Fear Of China

Repeated contemptuous and brazen,  Chinese,infiltrations,in many places,in the border,simultaneously, are explained away with possible lies.In Leh,Chinese Nomads are infiltrating as per reports.Read here.

China intrudes Arunachal Pradesh.MSM do not publish this news.Read here

China building dam in Brahmaputra!Read here.

India faces a grave threat from China.Read here. India can face a possible threat from Sri Lanka,because of China and her improving relations with the island nation,south of us.Pakistan,Myanmar,Nepal and Bangla Desh,also have good relations with China.

China has encircled India,further, with her relations  with and presence in, Sri Lanka.Read Here

Chinese plans in Brahmaputra.UPA trembles.Read here

UPA “leaders”,simply lack political,diplomatic and psychological skills.China intruded Uttaranchal recently.Read here

MM Singh was recently making cowardly and fearful remarks regarding China,like,India should beware of her etc. Resolute action is called for instead of timidity.If such acts by China go without any answer,the intrusions will only,increase.If a skirmish is to be fought it has to be done.No way. At the same time India should also try to encircle China,

I hope the UPA “leaders”,have the courage and vision to do this.

To be continued……..

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