Cohn(Con?) of US federal Reserve(A group of PRIVATE BANKERS,holding the USA to ransom),visited India with Geithner,for “high level interaction between the TWO CENTRAL BANKS”.Note who the PRIMARY DEALERS are,in the link above.This is dangerous for India.Read this.

Is RBI,influenced by the Visit of Cohn(Con?) of the US Federal Reserve (see above),for suggesting:-“foreign-owned Indian banks”?Read here.

A bank is either Indian or foreign,but not a “foreign-owned Indian bank”.Or is the RBI saying,that India has LOST her SOVEREIGNTY?

The  RBI is SELLING India to the International Bankers.Has the recent visit of Cohn(Con?) of the US Federal Reserve,anything to do with this?Read here and HERE.

RBI says “reforms”,have NOT increased productivity.Read Here

RBI at fault?

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